Office of Emergency Management


  • First complete Emergency Waste Management report for WA

  • Research and review of EWM issues and solutions

  • Development of useful tools and guidance documents

  • Agreement of uptake by OEM

ASK produced the first complete report of Emergency Waste Management (EWM) for the Office of Emergency Management (OEM) in Western Australia. The report highlights the important role of EWM in the prompt and efficient recovery of impacted communities.

ASK investigated EWM issues in WA, liaised with a wide range of government departments and industry stakeholders, identified key barriers, reviewed legislation and stakeholder obligations, and researched state, national and international solutions.

The extensive report included a series of recommendations to improve the management of emergency waste in WA and assist the development of supporting tools and guidance documents for practitioners, and a suggested best practice approach to assist the preparation and management of emergency waste to enable effective and prompt recovery.

ASK presented the report to the State Emergency Recovery Committee and, following high praise and agreement to adopt many of the recommendations, a government working group was formed to follow through with the suggestions.